Terms of service.


All material on this website including the design, layout, text, information, graphics, logos, products and services ("Rewine") is owned by Rewine or its licensors, unless otherwise specified.

Rewine Material may not be reproduced, transmitted, adapted, distributed, sold, modified, published or stored for any purpose other than with the written consent of Rewine or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. All Regis's rights are reserved.


This website may include links to third party websites containing information, text, graphics, logos, products or services. ("Third Party Material") Third Party Material may also be included on this wwebsite.

Rewine makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy or completeness of Third Party Material or that Third Party Material does not infringe the intellectual property rights (including copyright, trade mark or design rights) of any person.

Rewine is not authorising the reproduction of Third Party Material by linking to third party websites. Links are provided for your convenience only. Rewine does not endorse or approve Third Party Material or the conduct of third party websites unless otherwise specified. Accessing links to third party websites and use of, or reliance upon, Third Party Material is solely at your own risk and Regis accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that you may suffer as a result, including damages for loss of profits, business interruptions, lost data or any other direct, indirect or consequential damages.


Although every effort has been made to ensure that Rewine is accurate and up-to-date, Rewine does not warrant the quality, accuracy, or completeness of Rewine Material contained on this website. If you place any reliance on Rewine Material, you do so solely at your own risk and hereby release and indemnify Rewine from and against all actions, claims, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses arising out of or in any way connected to the use of Rewine Material or Third Party Material.

Rewine accepts no liability for and cannot guarantee that Rewine Material or Third Party Material is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects, or that access to Rewine Material or Third Party Material will be uninterrupted. Any liability incurred by Rewine is hereby limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.


These terms and conditions are governed by the law in force in Victoria, Australia. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia and all courts of appeal from them.


If you have any comments or questions about our website terms and conditions of use, please contact us.